Cheerful Beauteepro’s range of exclusive products has been featured in all forms of medias from top magazines to newspaper ads, ensuring our partners that our brands and products are well known among the public. Check out some of our past press releases below.

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Cheerful Beauteepro in the Season of Giving

October 2017 – With grace of Dato’ & Datin Cheang kind heartedness, every transaction sales of our beauty products, we will give away boxes of assorted biscuits to the Children Homes. We have managed to accumulate RM 27,400 worth of biscuits and this amount of biscuits is then distributed to 12 selected children homes. To further extend on this charity, Cheerful Beauteepro Team gave RM 4,730 in cash to one of the children home in support for a year supplies of school books for 20 children.
